Wednesday, 8 June 2011

For anyone that has seen the recent Rihanna video entitled "Man down", they are probably familiar with the controversy surrounding it.  This song is actually a remake of an old reggae song, which Rihanna has modernized and of course, made her own version of the video to it.
Actress & model, Gabrielle Union has spoken out regarding this video as well.  As the victim of a rape, she attempted to shoot her rapist during the attack, but missed. He was arrested and sentenced to jail. She has also made abundantly clear that although she encourages self defense, she does not encourage murder. She says during the assault is one thing, but planning revenge afterward is the job for law enforcement, not victims.
Outspoken critics, and one particularly angry group of parents feel the video should be yanked off the air.  BET has defended their decision to play the video, and to allow it to be part of their top 10 countdown.  BET says the video has met all of their guidelines, and they will not remove it.
Angry parents feel that the video promotes violence, and even murder.  They feel that impressionable young people will get the wrong message from this video, and begin to take things in to their own hands.  They also say that the video is too violent to be played on television.
I had the opportunity to watch the video, and was not concerned with the amount of violence that was shown. It seemed to be a downgrade from what we see on regular tv everyday. I am not condoning or promoting violence. I am simply stating what message I got from the video. The video depicts a woman, the day after her rape shooting her rapist in a crowded place. One would watch the video and think she was promoting this behavior...until you listen to the words in the song.
The lyrics in the song are clearly full of regret, and thinking through what she had now done.  She goes on to say that he was someone's son she killed.  She talks about how her life must now be changed because of her decision.
Rihanna has made known her feelings on being a "role model". She says it's the job of the parent to monitor what their child watches. She has been quoted as saying "I'm a rockstar, not a parent". Although she is partially right, entertainers must also be held accountable for what they put out for young people to see.
Gabrielle Union has also said perhaps the controversy surrounding the video is a good thing because it will bring to light a sensitive issue that has been in the dark for way too long.  Perhaps it will.
With all of that being said, is this video worth the controversy that it's getting? Or is there just too much hype around a controversial topic being brought to light?

Continue reading on Rihanna’s "man down" video- Controversial? Or too much hype? - Washington DC Everyday People |