Wednesday, 18 July 2012

Pretoria blazer Street Style crazy

Blazers are so hot. Mbali Makhanya sure pulled off her blazer look. Its black with gold buttons, this blazer gets my LKE Button. She paired it with a vintage brown boot which is just eye candy to a fashion babe.
A guy with total style. He rocked his vintage blazer, he is really looking warm and stylish.

Fashion Grace

The new weekly fashion magazine hit our stores a month or two back, Grazia The magazine is originally from Italy hence the Italian name Grazia which means grace in English. The magazine publishes in over thirteen counties worldwide including countries like Japan and The Netherlands. I took to the streets to see what my fashion babes think of the magazine.
Mosima Rafapa 21 years old Student I am truly enjoying the magazine. They showcase fashion that is still available in stores and it’s affordable.
Tanya Santos 23 Law Student I’m a student with a hectic life so don’t have time to read a magazine in a week. By the time the next issue comes out I have only read a few articles.

Tuesday, 17 July 2012


Ipeleng Mostogi

Office style

Skirt crazy

These ladies get my Like button they are totally rocking the skirts and making them look oh so fab. Proving one does not need to be half dressed or half naked to be sexy or look good. During winter one can add a leather jacket or nice cardgan with da skirt and be fashionable and more importantly warm.

Monday, 16 July 2012

What do you think about this fabulous trend? I’m totally GAGA over it.

I’m loving long skirts no I’m lying I’m GAGA over long skirts. One can rock them in winter and summer gosh you can rock any colour that tickles your fancy from your bright green and orange to your more nude colours. If it’s a high rise skirt one can throw on a simple vest, a nice chunky necklace and a thing belt.
When ELLE magazine took to the streets of Cape Town and Jo’burg they spotted some crazy street style fashion. Yet these ladies caught my eye. Thithi Nteta rocked her black skirt with a jean shirt, a flat pump and and nice shades. Whereas Zama Dude spiced her skirt up with sexy and African look. YOU GIRLS GET MY LIKE BUTTON!!!!!!!
Just saw this picture while going thought the Seventeen online publication. Naso Ngxenge looks great. The floral skirt with the leather jacket go great together, the skirt is soft and feminine and the leather jacket creates a punk star look. This look gets my Like button for sure.